Research governance
Our Research and Research Partnerships Team is responsible for developing and monitoring University policy and providing guidance and support to researchers in the area of research governance, integrity and ethics.
The University has three departments which undertake research and studies, called Central Academic Bodies.
As noted in Ordinance 11:
Governance overview
In 2021, the University approved a new governance structure. The University’s research integrity framework including research policies are overseen by the University Research Committee which reports to the University Academic Board. The Research Ethics Committee, which oversees all ethical matters on behalf of the University, reports to the Research Committee.
- Academic Board: terms of reference and membership
- The Research Committee – terms of reference and membership [pdf]
- Research Ethics Committee – terms of reference and membership [pdf]
Research and Engagement activities (including Public Engagement and Knowledge Exchange) fall under the remit of the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research & Engagement), Professor Jo Fox who is the chair of the Research Committee, a member of the Vice-Chancellor Executive Group and a standing member of the Academic Board. The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research & Engagement) aims to lead the University’s endeavours in the continuous improvement of its policies, guidance, and practices of research integrity.
Research Services supports the Central University Departments (the School of Advanced Study, Senate House Library, University of London Institute in Paris and University of London Worldwide), overseeing all aspects of pre- and post-award research management, research governance, ethics and integrity, compliance with institution’s and funders’ regulations and the provision of research business intelligence.
We support the University to realise the benefits of the humanities and social sciences for society, to advocate for their importance, and to provide the infrastructure to enable new discoveries and innovation in research practice and theory.
If you wish to apply to an externally funded scheme via the University of London, please ensure that you have read the Procedures on Research Grant Applications and Contracts.
You can contact Research Services by emailing Any query related to ethical matters should be addressed to
Research support contacts for specific enquiries:
Research support contacts | |
Andrew Fairweather-Tall | Head of Research & Research Partnerships |
Sandrine Alarçon-Symonds | Research Policies & Business Intelligence Partner |
Hanna James | Research Services Manager |
Telephone | + 44 (0)207 862 8662 |
Jaimie Henderson | Research Operations Officer |
Telephone | +44 (0)207 862 8825 |
Madu Gebermeskel | Research Support Officer (Finance) |
Telephone | +44 (0)207 862 8654 |
To realise its research strategy to pursue academic excellence, the University of London is committed to maintaining the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of academic research. The University regards it as fundamental that research must be conducted, and the results of research disseminated, honestly, accurately and in accordance with professional standards.
The University’s overarching governance framework covers all research undertaken under the University aegis (i.e.: all research generated by the University academic departments: School of Advanced Study, University of London in Paris and University of London Worldwide). It includes the following policies and protocols:
- Research Integrity & Annual Statements
- Code of Good Practice in Research includes - Policies and Procedures for investigating allegations of misconduct in academic research (Students, Staff, Fellows) [being revised]
- Research Ethics Policy and Procedures includes:
- Data Protection and Academic Research Policy & Guidance
- Open Access Policy & Guidance
- Research Data Management Policy & Guidance
- Social Media Policy & Guidance [being revised] includes:
- Using online platforms, inc. social media, when undertaking research under the UOL auspices - Usage Protocols and Guidance
- Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
The policies and protocols apply to all staff, taught (with research components and research students of the University and who and to those who are not members of the University but are conducting research under its auspices, such as Fellows and academic consultants (all categories hereafter referred to as ‘researchers’).