Students and staff at other UK and overseas universities
We offer free Library membership for current academic staff and postgraduate research students (PhD, MPhil) from other UK and overseas universities. Full time undergraduate and taught postgraduate students can choose from a range of paid options starting from £5 for a day ticket.
Membership details
Current academic staff and postgraduate research students (for example, PhD and MPhil) at a UK or overseas university can apply for free annual reference membership. Evidence of student or staff status is required along with photographic ID and proof of address.
UK postgraduate research students (PhD, MPhil), academic staff and emeritus professors | Free reference onsite access to the library and eResources |
Overseas postgraduate research students (PhD, MPhil) and academic staff | Free reference onsite access to the library and eResources |
Students and staff with valid SCONUL Access (Band A and Band B) are able to join the Library for up to one year.
Please apply for SCONUL Access via your home institution and bring your authorisation email to the Library. Proof of student or faculty status is required along with photographic ID and proof of address.
Students and academic staff (PhD, MPhil) with SCONUL Band A | Free borrowing (4 books) and onsite access to eResources |
Part-time, distance learning and placement students with SCONUL Band B | Free borrowing (4 books) and onsite access to eResources |
Current undergraduate, taught postgraduate students and all other full-time students and staff at UK and overseas universities can join Senate House Library with one of our paid options. Photographic ID and proof of address are required:
Join the Library
How to join
Register your details in the form below and bring proof of your student or staff status along with photographic ID and proof of address to the Library to complete your membership. The membership desk is open Monday to Saturday during staffed hours.
Please note that we do not issue letters of invitation to visit the library.
(If you are a University of London student or staff member, please register here.)
Renew your membership
If you would like to renew your Library membership you can do that in person at the membership desk during staffed hours. You can also renew by emailing proof of your status (and a copy of your SCONUL access Band A or Band B email if applicable).
Library regulations
By joining Senate House Library, users agree to abide by the Senate House Library Regulations, Terms & Conditions, and the University of London’s JANET Policy.