Research support
Get online and in-person support for your studies and research, offered by librarians. Click on the links below for introductory videos and guides, online workshops and webinars or to schedule a meeting.
Research skills guides and videos
A range of short introductory written guides and videos to help you get started with using Senate House Library’s resources.
Research skills guides
Research Skills Video Tutorials
Research support workshops and webinars
The Library offers a programme of workshops and webinars to boost your study and research skills using resources available in the library and beyond.
To see which sessions are currently being offered and book a session go to our calendar of training events.
Speak to a subject librarian
Get in touch with us by email or by scheduling an appointment if you have any questions about library support and resources for your research:
Leila Kassir (Academic Librarian: British, US, Commonwealth, Latin American and Caribbean Literature) - contact via email | schedule a meeting | 020 7862 8430
Tansy Barton (Academic Librarian: Manuscript and Print Studies) - contact via email | schedule a meeting | 020 7862 8475
Mura Ghosh (Academic Librarian: Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences) - contact via email | schedule a meeting | 020 7862 8449
Andrea Meyer Ludowisy (Academic Librarian: European Art and Culture) – contact via e-mail | 020 7862 8969
Argula Rublack (Academic Librarian: History) - contact via email | schedule a meeting | 020 7862 8455
Julio Cazzasa (Academic Librarian: Commonwealth Studies, Latin American Studies) - contact via email | schedule a meeting
Richard Temple (Archivist) – contact via email | 0207 862 8473
Dr Clare George (Archivist, Martin Miller and Hannah Norbert-Miller Trust) – contact via email | schedule a meeting | 020 7862 8961
Book a library tour
Need help finding your way around Senate House Library or using our services and facilities? We can offer a 30-minute in-person tour with one of our staff