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Strategy 2020-25

Vision and Objectives

Our strategy is centred around an ambitious academic vision for a digital age.

Our Strategic Aims and Objectives 2020–2025

Strategic Aim

To enrich our academic work in the pursuit of excellence in education, research and knowledge exchange through collaboration with our Member Institutions; developing academic programmes, networks and partnerships that further our federation’s goals across London, the UK and internationally.

Strategic Objectives

Connecting Worlds: Our Academic Vision

Delivering Our Strategy

We have enabling strategies to support the delivery of our strategic aim and objectives. These cover key initiatives focussed on developing our people, our digital capabilities, our financial resilience and our property portfolio. Our commitment to enabling better access and success in higher education will continue to guide our work and so will our commitment to play our part in creating an environmentally sustainable future; both will be embedded in our delivery programmes.

We will measure and demonstrate our progress through:

  • continued investment
  • increased and improved academic programmes,
  • improved student access and success
  • increased research innovation
  • wider public engagement
  • reduced environmental impact
  • higher performing property portfolio