Our vision
The Centre provides recognised expertise of the highest standards. We support a community of practice, promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing and provide a focus for the development of high-quality learning, teaching and assessment.
A beacon of research-informed expertise, elevating learning experiences, empowering educators, and advancing learner achievement in online and distance education. Learn more about us.
Our work is informed by and leads developments in research, pedagogy, practice and innovation.
- Download a flyer that describes who we are and what we do (PDF)
- Download our latest report on our activities (PDF)
Our strategic aims 2024-2029
Promote high-quality learning, teaching, and assessment in online and distance education.
Support a vibrant international network of Higher Education professionals working in the areas of online and distance education.
Core activities
Conduct and promote rigorous research that champions best practice, explores innovation, and impacts on the development of online and distance education.
Explore and foster excellent pedagogical, technological, and organisational innovation in online and distance education to influence theory, policy, practice, and research.
- Design, develop and evaluate educational technologies, environments and methods in response to global challenges.
- Fund and manage a variety of projects and awards that focus on enhancements to the quality of online and distance education and the student experience.
- Disseminate scholarship and research into distance and online education, including innovative pedagogies, emerging technologies, assessment, and promoting the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion in the online and distance education space.
Champion innovation in teaching in the online and distance education space, through research informed training, consultancy and practice.
Enhance the quality of online and distance learning and raise its status within higher education to enrich all learners' experiences, engagement, and prospects.
- Offer an online postgraduate educational qualification in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.
- Offer professional development short courses and events that support the enhancement of pedagogical approaches to online and distance education.
- Provide development funding to build capacity and enhance online and distance education for the University of London and Federation members.
- Provide bespoke, tailored training, capacity building, and knowledge management for educational institutions, industry, and partner organisations within the UK and internationally.
Transcend national, institutional and professional boundaries to develop and support a vibrant community of practice.
Create and foster discussion, engagement and professional development to expand understanding and raise standards.
Lead on capacity building and transnational activities to enhance and sustain educational leadership and practice in online and distance education.
- Organise accessible and inclusive development events including symposia, seminars, webinars, and conferences for a wide range of stakeholders including educators, academics, students, and international partners.
- Raise awareness of, and promote discussion about, learning and teaching innovation.
- Seek out and conduct international research collaborations related to online and distance education, including hosting international scholars, collaborating on projects, and embracing a diversity of voices and approaches.