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Institute in Paris


As a graduate you will have access to all University of London alumni services.

Welcome to our alumni community

The University of London Institute in Paris offers a unique educational experience to a close community of students, and your relationship with this special place does not end when you graduate.

Whether you stay in France, head back to the UK, or move elsewhere, we hope that you will remain in contact with the friends that you studied with, and with us at the Institute in Paris.

As a graduate of the University of London Institute in Paris, you have access to all the benefits and services offered by the University of London to its alumni, including:

Find out more about the benefits for University of London alumni or email us at

Keep in touch

We’d love to stay in touch to let you know what’s happening at the University of London Institute in Paris and to keep you up to date with events, opportunities and benefits for alumni here in Paris, and near you.

If you would like to update your contact details, just complete our online form or email us at with details of your full name (or the name that you used at the Institute in Paris), the programme you studied and the year that you graduated.

We will primarily contact you by email. If you would like to hear about events happening near you, please let us know the area in which you live.

You can also find out more about what’s happening at the University of London Institute in Paris and keep in touch on social media. 

Share your stories

We’re also very interested in what you’ve been doing since your time at the Institute in Paris, and we’d love to share your stories of your current adventures with other alumni and with prospective students. 

You can let us know what you’ve been up to and where you are now by completing our online form.

To learn more about how we manage the information you provide, please read our privacy policy.

Join our alumni community

Connect with us on LinkedIn and become a member of our alumni community.