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Institute in Paris

Knowledge Diplomacy Seminar Series

This online seminar series, which consist of web discussions, brings together leading experts and institutions together to discuss how Knowledge Diplomacy (KD) is highly relevant in both academic and policy circles. This is an opportunity for academics, policymakers, practitioners and students to join an exciting conversation and exchange ideas in the emerging concept of knowledge diplomacy.

Knowledge Diplomacy (KD) is highly relevant in both academic and policy circles addressing, the major issues of our time, relating to the sharing and openness of knowledge between nations and multilateral agencies with both theoretical and practical dimensions. 

The concept of Knowledge Diplomacy – a tool of diplomacy by virtue of university-level research, the transactions of scholarly exchange between students, faculty, and peers-  gives us a lens through which to consider the future of international knowledge production and collaboration at the intersection of international higher education, international relations, science, diplomacy and nation branding. 

The need to share knowledge globally, at speed and with trust, and to develop common-interest-building strategies through Science/Knowledge Diplomacy has never been greater. Higher Education with its knowledge production and analytical capability and transnational networks is key. 

Bringing together leading experts and higher education institutions, these online discussions are open to the public and will be an opportunity to hear as many views and positions as possible, with a view to mapping out an agenda for future development.

The first part of this series explored the challenges that COVID-19 and climate change have exposed in the information economy and ecology. The second part of this series will both expand and locate the concept in relation to cities.

2021-22 Knowledge Diplomacy and Cities

Bringing together experts from various universities and institutions, this new seminar series is a collaboration between the Goethe Institut, British Council (France and Germany), University of London (London and Paris) and is supported by ICR Research.

The Knowledge Diplomacy and Cities Series of online discussions is the second phase of the University of London’s exploration of knowledge diplomacy. The first phase, in June 2021, looked at the key role of knowledge diplomacy in relation to the COVID19 pandemic and Climate Change. This second phase both expands and locates the concept in relation to cities.

Cities are where universities and others involved in knowledge creation and exchange form complex local networks and partnerships, and act as the key sites of the cross-border dynamics through which strategic and dynamic transnational networks can be formed, and thereby offer potential for positive change.

The Knowledge Diplomacy and Cities Series aims to dig deeper into the dynamics of global city cooperation today, by focusing on three European capitals: London, Paris and Berlin. It asks what potential these cities, and cities more generally, have for generating dialogue and cooperation in the 21st century, through the lenses of Knowledge Diplomacy and the future of Higher Education. The events series will bring together experts from academia and cities to consider this question which we believe requires urgent attention.

Aims of the Series

The Series brings stakeholders together to address global challenges by exploring how Knowledge Diplomacy can help:

  • Build from the existing capabilities and qualities of universities and cities to play a part in maintaining pan-European cooperation in knowledge creation and sharing post-Brexit;
  • Contribute to the understanding of Knowledge Diplomacy as a form of diplomatic practice, and feed into policy debates;
  • Maintain flows of impactful knowledge through UK and European universities into society and communities.

The Series

The programme consists of four separate web discussions involving leading experts from cities and higher education. The events are open to the public and will be an opportunity to hear as many views and positions as possible, with a view to mapping out an agenda for future development.

Participants will be asked, after the event, to reflect on what they have heard and prepare a short text in the form of a proposition for practical change. These will inform the development of future events and be published to stimulate further discussion.

KD Partners


2021-22 Schedule of past events

2020-21 Knowledge Diplomacy and the Pandemic and Climate Change

The need to share knowledge globally, at speed and with trust, and to develop common-interest-building strategies through Science/Knowledge Diplomacy has never been greater as we work through the global pandemic and at the same time face up to the climate crisis. 

Bringing together speakers from various universities, this new seminar series co-organised with SOAS and CDE, along with the support of ICR, will aim to create a space to look back at some of the challenges and exchange ideas on knowledge diplomacy in relation to the COVID19 pandemic, as well as the Climate Change and Sustainability.

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2020-21 Schedule of past events