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Fin du Monde et Petits Fours: Les ultras-riches face à la crise climatique


We are pleased to share that Dr Edouard Morena's latest book, Fin du Monde et Petits Fours: les ultras-riches face à la crise climatique (La Découverte), will be published on 9 February 2023. Dr Morena's book is published in French and explores the involvement of the super-rich in the international climate debate.  

About the book

In the age of climate change, the carbon-intensive lifestyles of the super-rich are increasingly under fire. 

Yet, far from being passive and detached observers or high-end preppers, the economic elites are key players in the international climate debate. They are staunch promoters of green capitalism, a tailor-made political project that guarantees their interests in an overheating world.

Drawing on six years of in-depth research based on interviews and observational work, Dr Morena's book explores the diverse set of actors, including NGOs, foundations, think-tanks, consultancies and other lobbyists, who have imposed green capitalism over the last twenty years, and the elites who support it as the only 'realistic' way out of the current climate crisis.

About the author

Dr Edouard Morena is Head of Department and Senior Lecturer in French Studies and International Politics at the University of London Institute in Paris. He is the author of Le Coût de l’action climatique (Croquant, 2018). He has also co-edited two books, Just Transitions (Pluto Press, 2020, with Dunja Krause and Dimitris Stevis) and Globalising the Climate (Routledge, 2017, with Stefan Aykut and Jean Foyer). Read more about Dr Morena here




This page was last updated on 6 November 2023