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Navigate the hurdles of student life with these top tips.


Written by
Ko Min.

Student Ambassador Ko Min shares tips, strategies and techniques for you to enhance your study habits, stay organised, and achieve your academic goals.

Sand timer on some pebbles

Balancing student life with other commitments can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it is definitely manageable. To help you navigate these hurdles, I'd like to share some effective study tips that have helped me to maintain a productive study routine amidst my busy schedule. I hope they can do the same for you. 

Manage your time 

  • Plan your day: Create a detailed schedule by using tools like Google Calendar or dedicated apps to map out your study times, breaks and leisure activities. A well-organised to-do list can help ensure you stay on track and make the most of your time. 
  • Familiarise yourself with the curriculum: Utilise study planning tools to get to know your topics and course material in advance. Platforms like Notion or Linear can help you to create a structured study plan, organise notes, track progress and keep all your study resources in one place. 
  • Prioritise tasks: Set clear priorities and work on important and urgent tasks first. The Eisenhower matrix can be a helpful tool for this, helping you categorise tasks by urgency and importance. Additionally, consider using a Gantt chart to visualise project timelines and effectively manage your workload. 

Optimise your learning environment 

  • Quiet workplace: Find a quiet, distraction-free place to study. Use ear protection, like earplugs, if necessary to help you focus. A clean and tidy environment also helps to promote better concentration. 
  • Good lighting: Provide sufficient light, ideally natural light, to protect your eyes and increase productivity. Proper lighting can significantly enhance your ability to concentrate and maintain focus. 

Use active learning techniques 

  • Take notes and summarise: Write notes while you study using techniques like mind maps or Cornell notes to structure and better understand information. If necessary, hang up your mind maps or notes in places you frequently see, such as your bedroom or on the bathroom door. 
  • Explain concepts: Try explaining what you've learnt to someone else. This practice helps to deepen your understanding of the content through teaching.  

Try technological aids 

  • Online courses and tutorials: Use platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, edX, or YouTube to find additional learning resources. These platforms offer a wide range of courses that can supplement your studies and enhance your understanding of various topics. 
  • Learning apps: Applications such as Anki (for flashcards), Todoist (for task management) or Forest (for focus and productivity) can be very useful. While you may not be able to fully rely on AI-supported learning tools, they can serve as valuable learning aids to support your educational journey. 
Tips for your study journey

Prioritise your health and wellbeing 

  • Regular breaks: Work in 25 to 50-minute intervals with short breaks in between (e.g. Pomodoro technique). This helps to maintain concentration. 
  • Exercise and fresh air: Go for regular walks or engage in some form of physical exercise such as yoga. This promotes blood circulation and enhances mental performance. 
  • Sufficient sleep: Make sure you get enough sleep. A well-rested mind learns and retains information better. 
  • Meditation: Practice deep breathing for 10-15 minutes a day to improve focus and relaxation. If you struggle with concentration, consider consulting the University of London Wellbeing Hub.  

Set goals to motivate you

  • Set realistic goals: Define clear, achievable learning goals and reward yourself when you reach them. This helps maintain motivation and gain a sense of progress. 
  • Visualise success: Imagine how you will achieve your goals and, once you accomplish them, what that could lead to. This can increase your motivation. Maintaining a positive mindset, even under pressure, is also a key step towards success. 

Make use of collaborating and exchanging information

  • Learning groups: Join learning groups or form one yourself. Exchanging ideas with others can open new perspectives and deepen your understanding. 
  • Online forums and communities: Participate in online discussions in forums* such as tutor groups to clarify questions and learn from others. 

  Study regularly 

  • Regularity: Study regularly and avoid last-minute cramming. Continuous learning helps to retain the material in the long term in a more effective manner. 
  • Obtain feedback: Ask fellow students or lecturers for feedback on your work and assignments. Constructive criticism helps to identify areas of improvement.

By incorporating these strategies into your routine, I believe you will be able to enhance your study habits, stay organised, and achieve your academic goals more efficiently!  

*You can also join student led online discussions over on the University of London Global Community Discord Channel available for all online, distance and flexible learning students worldwide. Have conversations with your fellow students about Art, Entrepreneurship, Research, Debate, Travel, Music and Writing, or start your own channel on a topic you are passionate about! Check out the new ‘Ask an Ambassador’ channel where you can reach out to your fellow Student Ambassadors and ask them anything about Student Life.  

Ko Min studies BSc Computer Science in Austria. 

This page was last updated on 21 November 2024