Introducing the Wellbeing Toolkit
Student Experience are pleased to introduce the Wellbeing Toolkit, a brand-new short course that guides students through the process of creating their own self-care plan. By offering reflective questions to help develop self-awareness, this activity results in the production of a practical resource students can use to support their mental wellbeing and refer to in times of need.
Universities have an important role to play in promoting and raising awareness of mental health and wellbeing among students. This includes equipping learners with lifelong skills, such as the ability to balance multiple commitments in a way that doesn't compromise one's health. The Wellbeing Toolkit course, which will grow and expand over time, consists of thought-provoking activities that encourage students to think about how they can prevent a deterioration in their wellbeing, as well as ways to intervene early if they sense this happening. The end-product is a unique, saveable and printable document that can support them personally, academically and professionally.
A voluntary course available to University of London flexible and distance learning students, the Wellbeing Toolkit can accessed via our online platforms with their Student Portal login details.
Jo Harris, Associate Director: Student Experience, says:
The wellbeing of our students is of utmost to the University and so it's a real pleasure to be able to offer a resource that empowers students to develop the knowledge they need to care for themselves, especially in the context of a global pandemic. 'Self-care' is a term frequently used but not often accompanied by how to implement this in the everyday; the Wellbeing Toolkit aims to address this knowledge-gap by facilitating students to identify what helps them feel better and to then produce an action-plan that guides them towards a place of calm.
Despite being live for less than a month, the Wellbeing Toolkit activity has already received positive feedback from students, with comments such as, 'it got all my thoughts and actions together in one place' and it 'will reduce panicking, as I have my own points to get my self together.'
The Wellbeing Toolkit is also welcomed by Dr Adrian Clark, Student Health and Wellbeing Manager, who says:
This course is really effective in guiding students toward being reflective and deliberate about what wellbeing means for them, which is very consistent with the principles of Mental Health First Aid.
The University of London is committed to providing our students all over the world with what they need to rise to life's challenges and be happy, healthy and motivated throughout their studies. As part of this, we are continually expanding our ever-growing wellbeing provision, of which the Wellbeing Toolkit is just one example.
When students visit the Wellbeing page on their Student Portal, they will find a hub of mental health and wellbeing resources, including helpful articles by staff and students, specific advice for coping during the pandemic, the Online Library wellbeing collection, and much more.
There are also details of how to join TalkCampus, the 24/7 wellbeing peer support app with whom we are partnered and which offers students a place to connect and be there for each other when life gets tough.
This page was last updated on 11 August 2022