London Research & Policy Partnership
The London Research and Policy Partnership (LRaPP) aims to build long-term, sustainable relationships between academic researchers and policymakers, sharing knowledge and skills and other resources to tackle some of the capital’s biggest challenges.
London, like other regions, faces significant environmental, economic, and social challenges – challenges that can only be solved through public, private, voluntary and university sectors working together. The London Research and Policy Partnership (LRaPP) brings together London’s government and Higher Education institutions to promote joint working between research and policy communities.
The partnership has huge potential benefits for both sides: London’s policymakers are able to draw on the experience, expertise and guidance of academic researchers, while researchers benefit from a closer understanding of policy priorities and the chance to influence policy development. LRaPP is supported by the Mayor of London and London Councils, and is now developing a series of services to enable closer working between the capital’s universities, government and other sectors.
Activities include:
Policy Fellows
Building on the success of the CAPE funded Policy Fellows, LRaPP aims to extend the scheme, hosting two Fellows whose role would include brokering cross-sector research that focuses on addressing London challenges.
Identifying partnership opportunities
Beginning with a CRM, LRaPP plans to develop a bespoke matchmaking tool that allows policymakers and academics to connect with each other over shared interests.
Responsive research
LRaPP will publish Areas of Research Interest (ARIs) that set out questions on which policymakers want academic input, supporting researchers to respond to policy needs and maximising research impact. The ARIs will complement regular policy roundtables.
Support for funding bids
LRaPP is well placed to support funding bids that require applicants to demonstrate how they will bring together a broad coalition of stakeholders and resources.
LRaPP plans to develop new, London-level learning modules that will help academic researchers, policymakers and the business and voluntary sector understand more about each other’s worlds, and to facilitate joint working.
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