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MOOCs - free short courses

If you’re looking to upskill or explore a new area without the commitment of a full degree, one of our free taster courses may be for you.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Our MOOCs, delivered through Coursera, let you experience studying online to develop a personal interest, build on existing skills, or as a stepping stone to new career opportunities. 

Some of these courses are also designed to prepare you for the flexible online degrees that we offer. You'll be introduced to the types of themes that appear in courses such as the BSc Computer Science and Global MBA. 

I recommend the University of London and the Coursera platform. It’s the best way and a safe and secure platform to learn in this modern world. There’s so much information out there, you don’t know which is real and which you can rely on, but so far Coursera has been the best learning platform I’ve come across.
Battsirai Mudzivare, Dubai | BSc Marketing
Battsirai Mudzivare

Business, Management and Marketing


Brand Management

Gain a deeper understanding of the evolving practice of brand management, one that goes further than practised in most organisations today.

Consumption, Marketing and Culture

This course prepares you for a more analytical understanding in the role that marketing activities play in shaping our consumer cultures and lives.

Corporate Strategy

The course is designed for a broad audience but will be particularly relevant for those working in multi-business firms.

International Business Capstone

This course is part of the International Business Essentials specialisation and is designed to help you develop and build essential business skills.

International Business Environment

Learners will develop a toolkit to apply in their own practice, by participating in discussion, quizzes, creative activities and mini masterclasses.

Operations Systems Excellence

This course introduces the development of operational systems and how operating methods can help achieve corporate excellence.

Computing and Information Systems


Cyber Crime

In this online course you will learn about the types of cyber crime and understand the involvement of human behaviour.

Cyber Security Fundamentals

In this course you will learn the fundamentals of cyber security and how we can go about trying to improve the security properties of organisations.

Data Science Foundations

This series of related courses is designed to help you master current Data Science and Computer Science topics both from a professional and an academic perspective.

How Computers Work

Learn some of the fundamental concepts of computer science that can be applied to to word processing applications, e-commerce and websites.

Introduction to Applied Cryptography

In this course you will learn the fundamentals of cyber security and how we can go about trying to improve the security properties of organisations.

Introduction to computer security

Gain an introduction to computer system core components and functions, and also explore some of the vulnerability and threat issues in computer security.

Introduction to network security

In this MOOC you will develop an understanding of the design and security of computer communication, network technology, and the Internet.

Introduction to Virtual Reality

This course will introduce you to Virtual Reality (VR). You will learn how to evaluate existing VR applications, and design, test, and implement VR experiences.

Machine Learning for All

This MOOC will provide an understanding of the basic idea of machine learning, including a machine learning project on training a computer to recognise images.

Probability and Statistics

In this course we consider many useful tools to deal with uncertainty and help us to make informed (and hence better) decisions.


Responsive Web Design

In this online course you will learn how to build an interactive website by applying responsive design concepts.

Responsive Website Basics

In this online course you will learn three key website programming and design languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Statistics and Clustering in Python

The sixth of eight courses aims to give you an understanding of Data Science Clustering in Python and how to access the Python notebook environment.
MOOC and Short course

Virtual Reality

This specialisation from the University of London will introduce you to virtual reality (VR), and is available on Coursera.

Virtual Reality - 3D Models

Learn the basics of 3D graphics and how to lay them out to create your environment using the professional game and VR engine Unity3D.

Humanities, Social Sciences, Development


Applied Public History

Learners will develop a toolkit to apply in their own practice, by participating in discussion, quizzes, creative activities and mini masterclasses.

Global Energy and Climate Policy

This MOOC is aimed broadly at people interested in learning more about interconnected issues in energy and climate policy globally.

Magna Carta and its Legacies

This course examines the roles that Magna Carta has played historically as well as the importance of Magna Carta today.

Refugees in the 21st Century

With this online course, gain insight into the refugee phenomenon as one of the most complex, compelling and misunderstood features of the 21st century.

The Camera Never Lies

This course is a short taster on the topic of the use of images and film, and their use in historical interpretation in the 20th century.

Understanding Research Methods

This MOOC will appeal to those of you who require an understanding of research approaches and skills, and importantly an ability to deploy them in your studies.

Teaching and Learning in Education


What future for education?

Through this MOOC you will start to critically examine your own ideas about education, teaching and learning.



Citizenship and the Rule of Law

This MOOC is designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to grapple with the complexities of applying the Rule of Law in the modern state.

Magna Carta and its Legacies

This course examines the roles that Magna Carta has played historically as well as the importance of Magna Carta today.