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Achievement Awards

The University of London offers Achievement Awards to undergraduate students with the highest aggregate mark in their first year of study. This award covers University of London fees in your second year.

Four post graduate students discussing study tips
Achievement Awards celebrate high-performing University of London students around the world.

These awards are available to students on certain programmes. In 2018, awards will be given to:

  • The top five students of LSE-led undergraduate courses in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.*

Award winners will have their 2018-19 continuing registration and examination entry fees waived by the University of London.

You do not need to apply for these awards. We will write to winners once results have been released.


* BSc and CertHE students are eligible. You must have sat exams for four full 100 courses in one sitting (or the equivalent) and this must be your first attempt at these exams. You will need a minimum aggregate mark of 240.