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Recognition and accreditation of prior learning for undergraduate degrees in EMFSS

If you already hold qualifications with similar learning outcomes to our EMFSS degree modules, you can apply for your prior learning to be recognised and accredited. This process is called Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). If this is successful, you will not need to study those modules to complete your award.Information about how to apply for RPL and how the process works

The rules for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) are described in the Economics, Management, Finance and Social Science Programme Regulations and Section 3 of the General Regulations.

You can apply for automatic or discretionary RPL for the standard entry route and graduate entry route degrees.

Standard entry route: You may apply for RPL mapped against for up to a total of 120 UK credits (four 100/ first-year level courses or equivalent).

Graduate entry route: You may apply for RPL mapped against for up to a total of 30 UK credits (one 100 course or equivalent).

You cannot apply for RPL for a Graduate Diploma or for 200 or 300 courses of a BSc.

You are not permitted to apply for RPL via the Independent Learner Route.

For your prior learning to be considered, you must be eligible to study the programme and must have completed the whole of the qualification/ examination(s), on which the application for RPL is based on, within the five years preceding the RPL application.

Automatic RPL

There are certain qualifications which we will recognise and accredit automatically. They have already been assessed and are considered by the University to have similar learning outcomes to our modules. These qualifications are reviewed each year. Automatic RPL applications are free of charge.

If you satisfy the conditions and have passed the relevant listed qualification(s) in full within the five years preceding your RPL application, we will award RPL as detailed in the list below. You will need to: make a formal application and provide the necessary documentary evidence (such as a scanned copy of the relevant certificate/ transcript).

The University reserves the right not to award RPL if the qualification of the respective professional body or institution changes after the publication of this list.

Discretionary RPL

You may apply for RPL based on a discretionary basis- this is where your qualifications are considered on a case by case basis.

A formal application is required and an RPL application fee is payable. The RPL application fee is non-refundable, even if your prior learning is not recognised. See course fees for more info.

You must have also passed degree/professional level examinations in subjects that compare in level, content and standard to the course(s) for which you are seeking RPL. We cannot consider RPL on the basis of school-leaving examinations.

To be considered for RPL, your qualification(s) must be at the appropriate level (equivalent to a UK Level 4 qualification or above) and must have been completed within the five years preceding your RPL application.

For your discretionary RPL request to be processed, you will need to provide:

  • a completed RPL request form,
  • a scanned copy of an official transcript,
  • detailed syllabus of your previous studies,
  • the discretionary RPL fee (this varies between 30 credit/ 15 credit courses).

Please note:  All discretionary requests must be submitted by 01 October in the year that you apply. We must receive all required evidence to support your application by 15 October in the year that you apply.

We are unable to advise on whether you will receive discretionary RPL until a formal application has been considered, in full, by specialist academics.

RPL for the online taught undergraduate degrees in Economics, Management, Finance and Social Sciences (EMFSS)

Please see the Recognition of Prior Learning section of the LSE website dedicated to the online taught EMFSS programmes for specific guidance regarding applying for RPL for these programmes.

Please note: You must indicate your intent to seek RPL in your application for the online taught programmes and provide the transcript(s) and syllabi for the courses requested at the point of application process.

RPL requests will not be accepted once your application has been submitted for the online taught EMFSS programmes.

If you are applying for discretionary RPL, we encourage you to submit your application as early as possible to ensure there is sufficient time to review your qualifications.

The rules for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) are described in the Economics, Management, Finance and Social Science (Online Taught) Programme Regulations and Section 3 of the General Regulations.

LSE Summer School

Credit transfer is only allowed if it has originated from the LSE Summer School or LSE General Course and will be awarded at our discretion.

In the case of the LSE Summer School and the LSE General Course, the percentage mark achieved for your course (and not the letter grade) will be transferred to your degree record.